Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Text Ads Example

Here is an example of what I meant when I said that Tim is always coming up with new ways of helping people make money. He designed this rotating banner ad and when people click on an ad in your banner, you get paid... The blogger might cut it off but I think you will get the idea... Go Ahead. Click one.

I've also posted a bunch of Orange Leads Help files at "The Money Makers Cafe" forum.

There are also a bunch of other Money Making topics being discussed there.

You can get the latest Orange Leads news at my Newsletter page

Your Own Online Magazine

This is a creative and fun tool to use to create your online magazine. I used it to put together something for Orange Leads.

This is the cover and there is another page behind it. Not sure (yet) if you can create additional pages or not.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Orange Leads Blogs

Tim at Orange Leads has done it again! Now you can create a blog at Orange Leads and have your text ads automatically show up on them.

Mine happens to be here.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Blogger Slacker

Have been neglecting my Blog... Wasn't able to log in and thought I would figure it out later... Well, it's later... after making the rounds at OrangeLeads, Facebook, Twitter, Traffic Echanges, Pay To Click and Survey Sites, building forums, classifieds and job boards... I finally got around to figuring out how to log back into my blog...

Send Out Cards is going well... I managed to sign someone up in the UK as a distributor so I guess now you can say, I've gone Global?

Speaking of Global, BBS-Global Diamond Elite is starting a feeder program to let people "get their feet wet" by allowing people to pay a one time $11 fee to get a sneak peek of the program... This puts people in to a matrix so when they show others, they get a small commission and it builds from there... You would have to see the whole picture to get a better view of how it works but it's genius in my book! It is called UnoStart