Saturday, October 18, 2008

Carving The Sun

Was going thru some old pictures and ran across some carvings I had done a few years back.

This was from a scroll saw book that had patterns for Intarsia. It was my first attempt at Intarsia and it was a disaster. Not because it didn't turn out but because when I was half way thru, I decided to take it from my workshop in to the house. My dog jumped up and all of the pieces scattered... Some got lost in the yard, the dog gnawed on a few and some were damaged. During the second attempt, I had the outline cut and decided to take a break... When I came back about a YEAR later, I decided to try my hand at carving...

This one was sort of intarsia with some carving involved. It was made for my grand daughter when she was a big fan of Sponge Bob...

These next ones were my attempts at carving facial features. All of them were carves with scraps that came from the left over pieces when I cut the outline of the sun. All of the pieces are small. There is a fifty cent piece to give an idea of the size.

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